Search Results For: "pet volunteers" (557)
Alliance Supports Corp
In a suburb of Orlando, Florida, one organization is creating positive change by giving adults with cognitive disabilities the opportunity to make…
Enrique Acosta-Gonzalez
Every community needs that person who goes above and beyond to support and lift up the community. On the Island of Oahu,…
Ethan Cruikshank
When Ethan Cruikshank was 10, he learned that his school district in Hanover County, Va., was eliminating its strings program from the…
`In Case There’s an Act of G.O.D. – Get Out of Dodge – I’m Ready’
Read about how folks in Oregon and New Jersey are preparing for disaster. To help your family take action, visit Good &…
Healing Hearts with Hooves and Hounds
An estimated 1.3 million women are victims of domestic violence every year. Victims are left battered, broken, and emotionally distressed as they…
One Person Changed His Life, Now He Wants to Be That One for Others
Meet Sherman Williams, a volunteer at HandsOn Broward – part of Points of Light’s HandsOn Network of 250 volunteer centers. Williams is…
Creativity Pays Off for Innovative Nonprofit Programs
With spectators clapping blue thunder sticks together, jumping out of their seats, cheering for their favorite teams, the gathering looked more like…
`Service Unites’ as Conference Sessions Encourage Cross-Sector Collaboration
Today attendees of the Conference – sponsored by UPS – witnessed the principle in action, as dozens of educational sessions and forums focused on…
Turning Complacency Into Action When it Comes to Disasters
Read about how folks in Savannah, Ga., are preparing for disaster. To help your family take action, visit Good & Ready, where…
Why AmeriCorps Alums Should Matter to Colleges and Employers
This post is by Mary Bruce and Ben Duda, co-executive directors of AmeriCorps Alums, the only national network that connects the nearly…