Wallpaper Book Bag
DIY Project
Civic Circle® Area: Donate
The impact of COVID-19 continues to change our daily lives and routines, but volunteering and civic engagement are just as important as ever. This project can be modified to adhere to social distancing guidelines set by local and national authorities, to do virtually or to do at home and deliver via mail or drop off.
Encourage the love of books by reading to preschool children and giving them each a book to take home. Collect age-appropriate, gently used books to give to kids at your local preschool or daycare. To carry the book home, create a Wallpaper Book Bag.
What You Need:
- A book of wallpaper with children’s motifs
- Stapler and hole puncher
- String, strong ribbon or raffia-cut into 8-12″ strips
- Ask family and friends or a local book store if they would donate books for your project.
- Ask a local wallpaper/paint store for a donation of books of wallpaper with children’s motif.
- Tear out two pages from the wallpaper book and place pages together, design sides down.
- Fold 3 sides, about 1 inch on bottom and 1 inch on the two sides, leaving top open; this way the folded sides will be the same width.
- Reverse one of the pages so both pages have design side facing out and staple the 3 sides.
- Punch two holes about 4 inches apart on the top of the bag and make handles on each side of the bag by threading string through the holes and tying a knot.
- Visit the school, daycare or after school program of your choice with the donated books and Wallpaper Book Bags.
Reflection Questions:
- How did our project help people?
- What did our family learn?
- What worked well about our project?
- What is our next service project?