It’s been over a month of social distancing for most Americans. With stay at home and apart orders in place, helping others has shifted from “going to volunteer” at a food bank, the Red Cross, a local shelter, donating online to virtually support vulnerable populations, or adding a few items to grocery carts for seniors and at-risk community members. But the needs continue to grow. When the volunteer workforce—which for many nonprofits equals 60 percent of their staff—can’t show up, nonprofits lose capacity to serve exactly when they need it most. Volunteers are essential to tackling the crisis created by the pandemic and helping communities heal physically and economically. As the news shares dramatic (and real) pictures of tens of thousands lined up for food bank support and unemployment climbing, we need to build a path to get Americans volunteering again. We’ve created a resource to help provide tips and best practices on how to get volunteers mobilized post pandemic.