Molly Barker

Molly Barker never expected to be a leader. What she remembers most from childhood is a sense of anxiety and shame. As…

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Chase’s Commitment to Service Helps Bring Together One America

Conference attendees share a lighthearted moment in the One America booth. One of the most exciting elements of this year’s Conference on…

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Change Notes: Points of Light Conference Highlights – My Top 10 List

Dear friends, One week ago today, Points of Light’s 2013 Conference on Volunteering and Service convened in Washington, D.C.. Reflecting on an…

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Change Notes: Even in Divisive Times, Service and Volunteering Bring Us Together as One America

Friends,  Donna Brazile and Karl Rove at the Conference's opening session At Points of Light's Conference on Volunteering and Service in Washington,…

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How to Build and Grow a Successful Cross-Sector Partnership

Today's Post is written by Jeff Hoffman, an accomplished corporate executive who has served on the global stage in the areas of…

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Change Notes: A Presidential Library Opening Prompts Thoughts of Legacy and Service

Friends, They get together around openings and, well, closings. That is to say, current and former presidents seem to gather only for…

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Short on Time? Here Are 6 Volunteer Ideas

It's National Volunteer Week! Thank you to all the volunteers year round and everyone partaking in service projects this week. We are…

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Change Notes: An investment in volunteer service, from one President to another

Friends, President Obama's 2014 budget includes a small investment for those who care about volunteer service and a big tribute to the…

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10 Kid-Friendly Volunteer Service Projects

Today’s guest post is by Karen Bantuveris, founder and CEO of Volunteer Spot. For an updated list, check out our new post, 12 Service…

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Cause Alignment: Capital One’s Formula for Aligning CSR With Everything It Does

Today's blog is republished from the CSRwire blog, part three of the Civic 50 series.  Today's post is written by Jackie Norris,…

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