The solution to each problem that confronts us begins with an individual who says, "I can help."

The Problems We Face Are Immense

The challenges facing the world today are far-reaching and complex, and the solutions often feel out of reach. To tackle society’s greatest challenges and build a better future, we must engage a wide range of people to make a positive difference in the world.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provided a unified approach to solving our most urgent problems, and asked the world to focus their efforts toward building an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for all.

  • No Poverty
  • Zero Hunger
  • Health & Well-being
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Water & Sanitation

One Question Endures: How Do We Do It?

Now more than ever, people are looking within themselves to find the inspiration, creativity, and sustained energy to make change. The key to unlocking the light within us is to ensure that people feel empowered to act on their unique desire to stand up and say, "I can help." Our challenge: How can we create a society where it is easy for every individual to take action and accelerate change within their community and around the world?

Our Global Impact


Volunteers Engaged in 2023


With Points of Light Programs


In Our Global Network


Engaged in 2023

The Civic Century

At Points of Light, we believe that we are at the dawn of a “Civic Century,” an age when people become the driving force that transforms our world. We believe when future generations look back on this time, they will see it was an era of sustained, meaningful civic engagement. In order to do this, they need a system for changing systems. Points of Light's Civic Circle provides the roadmap to create meaningful, lasting change for causes you care about.

Creating A Society Where It's Easy To Take Action

Modern life has come with numerous technological advancements and a shrinking, interconnected world. If we put these changes to good use, if we strengthen global connections and enrich our daily experiences with pervasive calls to serve, we can make volunteerism more accessible, inclusive and impactful.

Strengthen Existing Networks

We're creating connections between nonprofits, corporations and individuals, so that together we can address the world’s changing needs.

Create Pervasive Calls to Act

Our global community is providing more invitations to act, so that civic life can be activated at work, online, in stores, on the ground and via donations.

Advocate for Infrastructure

We must advocate for more integrated societal norms, policies and infrastructure that support each individual’s ability to do good.

Get Involved and Light the Way