Social Media and Marketing Resources

Share your stories using the Family Volunteer Day Hashtags

Post about your Family Volunteer Day experience on social media using the hashtags, #FamilyVolunteerDay and #VolunteerTogether. Share your stories about families who are uplifting their community in new and inventive ways to inspire others. We want to amplify and re-share your posts with our audiences!

Share Family Volunteer Day in Your Newsletter

To help promote Family Volunteer Day, we drafted some language you can edit and share in your monthly or company newsletter!

Sample Social Media Posts

When we uplift stories of volunteer service, we inspire others to give back to their communities. Use #FamilyVolunteerDay or #VolunteerTogether so Points of Light can further amplify your posts. 

On Facebook: @beapointoflight
On LinkedIn: @Points-of-Light
On Instagram: @PointsofLight
On X: @PointsofLight


Download social media graphics to help share inspiring stories of volunteer service during Family Volunteer Day. The graphics include a variety of photos with families celebrating the power of volunteers through acts of kindness.