What is the Civic Circle®?

The Civic Circle® helps individuals connect to opportunities and understand that doing good comes in many forms. It is a framework that represents your power to lead, lend support and take action for causes you care about so that you can drive real and sustained change.


In democratic societies, voting is your opportunity to participate in the democratic process for national and local elections, supporting causes and candidates aligned with your positions.


You can use your voice to influence your family, friends and others to raise awareness for an issue you care about.


You might choose to contribute money, services or goods to support the welfare of others or to advance a social cause you care about.

Listen & Learn

Stay informed, think critically and educate yourself before acting. The more informed you are, the better the decisions you can make about how to best work within your community.


You may commit your time and talent to public, national or military service and civic work.

Social Entrepreneur

You may identify a need that has not been met by traditional institutions, structures and systems. You may use this as an opportunity to lead creative and innovative solutions that drive change.


You may choose to give your time and talents both inside and outside your home to support your community or a cause you care about.

Purchase Power

You can make decisions that reflect your values or advance a social cause or issue area by choosing where you do and don’t spend your money.

Sign Up To Learn More About The Civic Circle

We'd love to share more info about the ways that businesses, nonprofits, NGOS and individuals are bringing the Civic Circle to life. There are many paths to doing good and you're invited to get inspiration from our programs, events, products and stories.

Civic Life Today Magazine

Civic Life Today is a new digital magazine with nine issues. Each one takes an in-depth look at an element of the Civic Circle®, providing materials, ideas and inspiration so that you can live your best civic life.



Listening and learning are critical skills. We consider them superpowers that support all of the elements in the Civic Circle. Mastering these skills will help you truly understand the root causes of issues you care about, consider multiple viewpoints and learn what’s already being done before you take action.
Read The Issue