Points of Light's Civic Engagement Research

Our research explores attitudes, barriers and participation rates around community engagement with the goal of increasing people, companies and organizations to inspire and take action all over the world.

Leading Locally:
Small Business and Social Change

Now Available | Published June 6, 2023

Building on Points of Light’s body of civic engagement research, “Leading Locally: Small Business and Social Change” explores the expectations, perceptions and ways in which small businesses are taking action to support social issues and their communities. Regardless of size, companies, their employees and stakeholders can drive transformative social change when they work at the intersection of community needs, employee interests and company resources and priorities.

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Data Deep Dives

Published 2023

Points of Light brings you Data Deep Dives, a closer look at our own civic learning research that sheds light on trends in key cause areas. Each category (on the left) features a variety of relevant topics. New Data Deep Dives will be added monthly throughout 2023.

Strong employment opportunities and healthy wages have a singular ability to transform the lives of individuals, their families and communities at large. They can boost local economies, create safer neighborhoods, increase civic engagement and foster more prosperous societies.

And while we may be living in a time of global anxiety about inflation and a potential recession, we – as individuals and companies – have the power to change the current status quo on issues like employment and wages. We can use our collective voices, resources, knowledge and time to create a brighter, more financially secure future for all.

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Civic Life Today:
The State of Global Civic Engagement

Published April 2022

Points of Light’s research, “Civic Life Today: The State of Global Civic Engagement,” is mapped out in five in-depth reports that show key trends in civic engagement and provide actionable takeaways for businesses, non-profits and individuals.

Findings from the study revealed several themes around what global civic engagement looks like today:

  • Volunteering is ranked among the most important activities since the COVID-19 pandemic began, but by varying degrees among countries.
  • Globally, individuals share most interest in supporting education, environment and healthcare.
  • Finances remain one of the largest barriers to engagement.
  • Corporations have an obligation to act.
  • Nontraditional forms of engagement are the new normal.

Download this comprehensive and cutting-edge research that offers global perspective as well as metrics from the U.S., the U.K, Brazil and India.

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Civic Life Today:
A Millennial Perspective

Published September 2021

In 2021, Points of Light focused its research on the civic engagement of millennials. This report, titled “Civic Life Today: A Millennial Perspective,”  shares how a concentration of extraordinary experiences in a brief period of time influenced the civic involvement of the country’s largest generation in history.

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Civic Life Today:
A Look at American Civic Engagement Amid a Global Pandemic

Published September 2020

“Civic Life Today: A Look At American Civic Engagement Amid A Global Pandemic” reveals the potential of the tragedy of the pandemic to serve as a catalyst for a new era of civic engagement. Today’s engaged person may express their inclination to do good through the purchases they make, in what they share on social media, where and how they choose to work and which nonprofit organization to support as a volunteer or donor.

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Civic Engagement & The Civic Circle Literature Review

Published January 2022
In Partnership with Data Shine

To better understand civic engagement and how to motivate individuals and communities to become more engaged, Points of Light commissioned Data Shine, an independent evaluation consulting firm, to conduct a literature review. We paired the Civic Circle framework with an exploratory, inductive approach that allowed the research team to expand the search in real-time. This led us to scholarly journals, news sources, think tank and poll briefings organizational reports, white papers, book chapters, practitioner-focused guides and more. The search produced more than 260 artifacts; we referenced 198 in the synthesis. Our web library contains access to reviewed resources as possible.

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