September Staff Volunteer Mulching at Zoo Atlanta

Today’s post is written by Shaketia Robinson, the Intern and Volunteer Services Coordinator for Points of Light. A graduate of American Intercontinental University, Shaketia holds a Bachelors of Arts in Business Administration with a concentration in Management.
Here at Points of Light we believe strongly in practicing what we preach! Every month we indulge in a service project with a local nonprofit. This month our Atlanta staff had the pleasure of volunteering with Zoo Atlanta.
Our staff group was hosted by the horticulture department, a friendly, fun-loving bunch of people who really care about their work and the animals they attend to. They guided us in mulching the primate exhibit, which is a task that is performed at least twice a year. Mulching is extremely important to maintaining a healthy enclosure landscape. Mulching not only looks nice, but it adds nutrition to enrich the soil, helps to retain moisture, protects soil from erosion, and helps prevent weed growth.
We were a little overwhelmed as we walked up and saw a huge pile of mulch and several shovels, rakes, and wheel barrels. The task, at first glance, seemed as if it would take forever. The first pile was the hardest, as we all realized just how out of shape we were. And, just as we thought we were finished, they brought us a second pile! Luckily, Points of Light staff are champions and we knocked out both piles in less than two hours. Even though it was hard work, we really enjoyed ourselves.

After we completed our mulching duties, we had the pleasure of watching the primates enter the exhibit. It was fulfilling to know that we played a small part in their enjoying what we called the "monkey's playground". As an extra treat Zoo Atlanta gave all volunteers free time to explore their remarkable zoo. I think I speak for us all when I say it took us right back to childhood. We walked around in amazement looking at all their incredible animal exhibits and appreciating the endangered species they house. The zoo is not only a great place for the animals but for the Atlanta community as well, a place for students to visit the animals they learn about in real life.
These monthly volunteer projects are important to Points of Light’s overall service culture. The service days allow us to live out our organizations mission in a very personal way.
Next weekend you can join our Atlanta staff for HandsOn Atlanta Day 2012.
If you are in New York, volunteer with our generationOn team on October 13, for New York Cares Day 2012.