November Board Member of the Month: Mr. Ethelbert Miller

Nov 20, 2012

Today’s guest post is written by KaCey Venning who serves as the manager, Cause Programs of Points of Light. She is excited about encouraging people to become more active in their communities.

Points of Light and BoardSource are proud to announce the first Board Member of the Month honoree Ethelbert Miller.

Ethelbert was nominated for his work with the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) in Washington, D.C. He has served on the IPS board for 18 years, 10 as chairman. His contribution to the organization runs deep, even offering his own 60th birthday party as a fundraising opportunity.

“I believe each board member has something to offer and it is my responsibility to ensure IPS continues to grow and remains a vital part of the community,” Ethelbert said. “As we approach our 50th anniversary as an organization, I am excited to acknowledge those who helped us achieve so much and celebrate the young leaders who will help us move forward.”

For those wishing to serve on nonprofit boards, Ethelbert said: “Be ready to make a commitment. Understand time management and, most importantly, do not accept a position if you are unsure of your commitment. Ask yourself, ‘When I step down, what did I do?’ And be willing to lead the organization if necessary.”

Ethelbert said he accepts the award on behalf of those who blazed a trail before him and those he serves alongside today.

As the November 2012 Board Member of the Month, Ethelbert receives complimentary registration to the BoardSource and Points of Light national conferences and a year of BoardSource membership. He also becomes a candidate for the Board Member of the Year Award, which will be announced in December 2013.

To nominate an outstanding board member for this prestigious award, click here.
