Meet the Nepolas: Finalists for the Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year!

The Nepola family from Pembroke Pine, Florida, were announced this week on Good Morning America as one of the five finalists in the running to be named the Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year!
The Nepolas have volunteered with HandsOn Broward since 2015. Parents Justin and Jackie, with daughters Mia and Ava, work tirelessly for the projects they volunteer for, whether they’re building gardens, distributing school supplies or packing meals for families in need. Recently, the family took on two big events as project leaders, Night On The Streets and the Florida AIDS Walk. Due to inclement weather, the two events were rescheduled to the same day and, without hesitation, the Nepolas kept their word to handle both, despite the extra work this would require. This example, and many more like it, shows the family’s dedication to serving their community and making the world a better place!
The Nepolas were one of thousands of families across the country nominated for the Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year contest by schools and nonprofits registered with the Disney Family Volunteering Reward Program.
Now five amazing finalist families are being featured on GMA this week, sharing the stories of their incredible volunteer work, followed by a nationwide online vote starting on Oct. 11 where you will be able to vote for your favorite family!
The winning family will be announced on GMA on Nov. 1 and will receive a dream vacation to Walt Disney World, where they will be the guests of honor at a special event to celebrate Family Volunteer Day on Nov. 23. The nonprofit or school that nominated the family will also receive $10,000 to continue their important work in the community.
Make sure to tune into every day this week to meet the rest of the incredible Top 5 families, and stay tuned for more updates on the competition and details on how you can vote!
If you and your family would like to get involved with family volunteering, you can find opportunities in your area or search DIY projects that cover a variety of issue areas. Nonprofits and schools in the United States can join the Disney Family Volunteering Reward Program and earn Disney Parks tickets by hosting volunteer family events.