Marketing: It’s Easy When You’ve Got Cool Stuff to Say

Today's guest post is written by Meredith McPherson, Senior Manager of Marketing and Communications at Points of Light.
I don’t know about you, but I love seeing my little Skype icon blinking on my computer screen. To me, it says, “Somebody needs me for something.” It’s kind of like the Bat Signal for Gotham, except my weapon is my pen (or keyboard) and I don’t have nearly as cool a car as Batman does.
So, a few weeks ago, when Skype pulled me out of the depths of invoices and other boring but necessary tasks, I selflessly answered the call. It was my colleague (and friend) Lori Jean, who manages all of the content, workshops and programming for our annual Conference, letting me know that she needed my marketing skills to launch the Call for Presenters (CFP) process for our 2013 Conference. Unbelievingly, I blinked at the screen for a beat and the following conversation ensued:
Me: U r funny LJ. Cuz I’m still trying 2 get vendors paid 4 ‘12 and I haven’t even finished my thank u notes. Where r we going 4 lunch 2day?
LJ: How about Firehouse? And, no, it’s August, so it’s time. <smiley face>
Author’s Note: Lori Jean was an English major and is fastidious about punctuation, spelling and grammar, even over Skype. And she’s addicted to emoticons.
Me: I was thinking Mexican. How does this happen? Every year I feel like the CFP sneaks up on me!
LJ: Mexican sounds good. I know! The CFP is like a <ninja emoticon>. I am excited about it, though! We are making a few changes to the tracks for D.C. … <thumbs up emoticon>
Me: K. I got skillz 4 what u need. Talk about it over lunch
And here we are a few lunches and weeks later, launching the CFP. There are many things that I love about Points of Light’s behind-the-scenes work on Conference, and this is one of them. Everyone’s still high from the last Conference; rejuvenated, feeling creative and full of possibilities. And that goes doubly for the extremely smart and talented people who want to be part of the teaching and sharing. From the hundreds of practitioners, thought leaders and innovators who want to share their experience and expertise, we get the most interesting, thoughtful and fun proposals. And what’s even better is that I get to dream up ways to tell everyone about all of awesome things happening at Conference.
So, to all of you, the 2013 Call for Presenters is here. Tell your mama, tell your friends. But, most of all, tell us and be part of the best Conference on volunteering and service out there.