For the Youth, By the Youth

During this year’s Conference on Volunteering and Service, and with the generous support of Target, youth in and around the Seattle metropolitan area were invited to complete interactive and engaging workshops to develop a service project that positively impacts their community.

The Youth Summit featured 8 teams of young people that brainstormed ways to address a social issue important to them, develop a strong plan of action and pitch their idea to a panel of judges for a chance to win $250 to $1,000 grants to implement their project. The winners were chosen based on points received in the areas of relevance, creativity, community engagement, planned scope of work, defined outcome and sustainability.
In addition to the competition, the summit provided an opportunity for the students to network with each other and develop their collaboration skills, as well as their experiences and best practices with each other. Terra Gay, Points of Light’s senior vice president of Programs, summarized it best, “As you seek opportunities, seek out others as well.”