Don’t Just Be Cool, Be ICE COLD at NCVS
Rushing in between sessions and trying to catch your last minute seat to the Immersion Learning Projects might make you work up a sweat.
Plus, that NOLA heat is no joke come summer time.
Luckily, there’s a local favorite that is sure to keep you cool during record high humidity and heat – Snowballs (aka Snoballs)!
Never heard of it?
Here’s the quick and icy rundown of the delicious NOLA treat and where you can find it during your days at conference

They’re always made to order, so you won’t be getting a cup of slushy ice with flavorless syrup dripping out.
Plus, they’re highly functional for keeping you cool during the hot summer and will generally run you only a cool $1.
And of course, they’re delicious – with as many flavors as there are leaders attending conference.
I, for one, will be tracking down the elusive “wedding cake” flavored snowball! However, whatever you do, DON’T call it a snow cone, unless you want to be shunned as a “tourist”.
Check out these stalls – all within walking distance of the Convention Center:
Don’t miss Mr. Apple on 201 N. Peters for your icy treats, as well as their world famous gourmet apples and pralines.
For the 21 and fun, check out Swizzle Stick Bar on 300 Poydras St., located inside the Loews Hotel, to try out their delicious concoction – the Sailor Jerry Snow Ball. It’s definitely something to wind down and enjoy after a good day of service learning.
Hansen’s Sno-Bliz Sweet Shop on 4801 Tchoupitoulas St. has been around since 1939 and today, still making syrups from the founder’s original recipes as well as, crushing ice from the original machine.
SnoWizard SnoBall Stand on 4001 Magazine St is owned by the original creators of the SnoWizard Ice Shaving Machine, which is what most stands currently use to make their snowballs. Expect your order to be placed in a cute Chinese Takeout container!
Finally, don’t forget Plum Street Snowball on 1300 Burdette St., near Tulane University. There you’ll find plenty of sugar free and classic flavors. Stick with the smaller pails, unless you’re going for a brain freeze.