Corporate Service Council Asia Meeting: A New Era of Corporate Engagement

More than 60 leaders in corporate social responsibility, employee engagement, and volunteerism convened in Hong Kong on May 25, 2016, for the Points of Light Corporate Service Council Asia Meeting. Excitement in the air was palpable, as attendees explored opportunities for accelerating the impact of corporate citizenship in Asia.
“We are at the cusp of a boom in corporate social responsibility,” said Neil Bush, Points of Light Chairman. “The enthusiasm in this room, all centered on the topic of corporate service in Asia, is contagious. In the next 20 years, we are going to witness a complete restructuring of the CSR industry, and the leaders and organizations gathered in this room will be at the helm.”
Participants echoed the importance and strong need to lead purpose-driven organizations. “When you align life values with work, work is more fun,” said Joanne Oswin, COO of PwC Hong Kong.
Wouter Van Wersch, president of GE ASEAN, reiterated the changing trends across Asia and strong enthusiasm of all attendees. “At GE, the culture of service goes from the top to the bottom,” he said. “It has changed me, and changed how I lead.”
Guest speakers shared best practices from their service-leading brands, and representatives from our host partner HandsOn Hong Kong attended the meeting, along with Points of Light affiliates from China, India, Japan, Korea, Philippines and Singapore.
Looking for more ways to engage with Points of Light? Register for the Conference on Volunteering and Service and check out the exciting lineup of sessions within the Business Track.