Be An Inclusion Pioneer!
This year at NCVS, session content is organized across a series of issue areas so that attendees can tailor their schedules to meet their learning and networking needs.
Check out all of the sessions associated with working with volunteers with disabilities.
Pioneering Efforts in Developing Inclusion Brokers
Monday, June 6, 2011 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Session ID: 5420
Speaker(s): Roxy Rocker, John Mcdermott
Twitter Hashtag: #inclusionbroker

Find out how to ignite the effort of Inclusion Broker in your neighborhood backyard community organization? Start a Buzz a new start to what it means to understand Disability or even understand that you may not be comfortable or have enough information. Be one of the first in Service and Volunteerism to be an Inclusion Broker. Join the Pioneering efforts by coming to our Immersion Learning session to launch your Inclusion Brokerage in your communities today!
Targeted Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Non-traditional Volunteers and Service Members
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Session ID: 5362
Speaker(s): Sheila Fesko, Nancy Keel, Jaimie Timmons
Twitter Hashtag: #NCVS5362
People with disabilities, veterans and individuals in poverty are often seen as recipients of service rather than contributors. This session explores partnerships and messages that focus on how individuals can become contributors and build skills that can be used in future employment and education.

AmeriCorps Disability Affinity Group
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Session ID: 5605
Twitter Hashtag: #NCVS5605
Come share with your peers your best practices, thoughts on inclusion, training needs, and more.
Stories from the Field: Members & Volunteers with Disabilities Sharing Their Experiences
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Session ID: 5315
Speaker(s): Erin Gannon, Chad Gobert, Berenise Reyes-Albino
Twitter Hashtag: #NCVS5315
Join a powerful dialogue with members, volunteers and alumni about their individual service successes and challenges. Hear firsthand how service can be a path to employment and post-secondary education. Learn concrete strategies to meaningfully engaging people with disabilities in your service program. Come be a part of this important, practical and applicable conversation.
Inclusion 101: Creating an Welcoming Service Environment
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Session ID: 5239
Speaker(s): Annie Harala, Natalie Wasserman, Jason Schneider
Twitter Hashtag: #inclusion101
AmeriCorps staff representing three national service organizations will join together to provide a practical interactive training where participants will learn tools to develop an inclusive service environment that is accessible and welcoming to individuals of all abilities and backgrounds. This workshop will draw from the presenter’s professional experiences and resources from the National Service Inclusion Project.