6 Ways to Celebrate AmeriCorps Grads
Each year Points of Light’s AmeriCorps Alums welcomes 80,000 corps members to an alumni network that is already nearly one million strong. When they graduate from AmeriCorps, we want to make sure they are connected to the people, ideas and resources to help them grow as engaged citizens and civic leaders.

AmeriCorps Alums invites graduating corps members, alums, alumni chapters, AmeriCorps programs and state commissions, and all national service champions to join in celebrating the AmeriCorps Class of 2015 and their transition to the alumni network. Here are six ways to celebrate the year of service and beyond (#YSAB):
1. Join the Virtual Career Fair. Register for the 2015 AmeriCorps Alums Career Fair, which will be held June 30 from 1 to 4 p.m. Eastern. AmeriCorps Alums will bring together recruiters from public, private and nonprofit employers who are actively seeking AmeriCorps alumni to fill open roles.
Click here to sign up for the fair or share the information with a graduating AmeriCorps member. If you think your company could benefit from having an alum on staff, click here to sign up for a booth.
2. Connect to resources. Did you know AmeriCorps Alums offers free professional development resources and events to corps members and alums?
If you’re a member or alum, browse the AmeriCorps Alums calendar and sign up for an event or training opportunity.
If you represent an AmeriCorps program or state commission, click here to explore our professional development program and share resources with your corps members.
3. Join the Alums movement. Register with AmeriCorps Alums and help build the alumni network and movement of civic leaders.
If you represent an AmeriCorps program, state commission or chapter, click here for a membership guide to help you share information about Alums. The guide includes a registration link for your website, newsletter/email templates, a one-page flyer, an introductory PowerPoint and additional graduation message templates. Join the more than 70 organizations already partnering with AmeriCorps Alums!
If you’re a member or alum, click here to tweet to your fellow corps members and alums that you’ve just joined AmeriCorps Alums and invite them, too.
4. Plan an event. Click here for an event guide, which includes ideas, a checklist and more!
5. Get social! Join AmeriCorps Alums in late June for a social media celebration (#YSAB, for “year of service and beyond”) that will include the release of a Class of 2015 video slideshow. Email [email protected] the best high-resolution picture of your graduating corps members. We’ll be choosing the strongest pictures for our slideshow and featuring more on our social media pages.
6. Print a graduation certificate. Download and customize a certificate to celebrate your AmeriCorps graduation and proudly hang it in your home or office!
For more about AmeriCorps Alums and how to get involved, please visit www.americorpsalums.org.
This post originally appeared on the AmeriCorps Alums blog.