5 Family Volunteer Opportunities While Working from Home

The Saturday before Thanksgiving each year marks the celebration of Family Volunteer Day—a day when family members (related and chosen) come together in support of the communities where they live and work, along with the causes that they care about.
When your employees and their family volunteer together, they build deep bonds with each other and with the community. Volunteering helps improve the lives of neighbors while also helping family members develop new skills, empathy for others and a passion for getting involved. While working toward a shared goal, they might even discover that a child has an interest or unique talent that they weren’t aware of before.
In preparation for Family Volunteer Day and with so many employees working outside the office a few days a week, we’ve compiled several DIY activities that can take place from the comfort of employees’ homes. Encourage colleagues to post about their Family Volunteer Day experience on social media using the hashtags, #FamilyVolunteerDay and #VolunteerTogether.
Share these resources and show your company’s support for family volunteering! For even more project ideas and instructions, visit our website today.
Family Volunteer Opportunities
- Save the Animals Letter Campaign: Raise awareness of endangered animals in your community and around the world and advocate to protect their habitats by reaching out to local politicians to address laws around these topics.
- Great Reads Bookmarks: Celebrate and share the joy of literacy by hosting a book drive and giving handmade bookmarks to a community in need. Show someone what reading means to you by making colorful and personalized bookmarks to give to your school, local library or community center.
- Composting Worm Bins: Some of the world’s hardest workers are some of the smallest. Vermicomposting (composting with worms) adds nutrients to the soil and keeps waste out of the landfill. Help your family, school or community be greener by making a vermicomposting bin.
- Relax Bottles: School can be challenging enough. For some kids with learning disabilities, it can be especially frustrating. You can help them channel and release their frustration by making Relax Bottles: water bottles decorated and filled with glitter. Watching the glitter settle after shaking the bottle can be relaxing.
- 3 Cheers for Local Heroes! Want to show first responders and emergency volunteers your gratitude? Create hand-made thank you cards for firefighters, healthcare workers, Red Cross emergency personnel and more in your community or somewhere a disaster or emergency has occurred.