Volunteer Queen: Texas Child Serves People in Need

Meet Daily Point of Light Award honoree Salina Ramirez. Read her story and nominate an outstanding volunteer or family as a Daily Point of Light.
She’s racked up pageant titles from Oklahoma to Texas. She’s the reigning 2020 Little Miss Military City and 2020 Little Miss Victoria Grand Supreme and Reigning YAMI JR Miss Friendship state. But 9-year-old Salina Ramirez has added another crown to her collection, serving those in need as a volunteer queen in her Corpus Christi, Texas community.
Feeding the homeless, donating school supplies and toys to children, brightening the day of hospitalized kids, even reading to dogs and puppies, Salina is a little girl with a big heart, volunteering to make her greater community a healthier and happier place.
Points of Light spoke with Salina and her mother, Ida Ramirez, to learn more about her volunteerism.
What inspires you to volunteer?
Salina: I am inspired to make a difference in my community. It makes me feel happy to see smiles and people coming together.
Ida: Salina was 7-years-old when she started volunteering. Her older sisters would go to volunteer, so Salina was very little when the family would bring her along to join in on service.

Describe your volunteerism.
Salina: I feed the homeless on Sundays at Artesian Park for CASA in Corpus Christi. I’ve donated books, school supplies and backpacks to the kids at the Corpus Christi Salvation Army of Texas. I also donate books and bears to children’s hospitals and donate clothes, make cards and cook meals for residents at Corpus Christi Ronald McDonald House Charities. I also help cancer pediatric patients as a member of National Pediatric Cancer Foundation SAS (Share A Smile) and I volunteer with the Corpus Christi Animal Control “Wolf Pack” reading club, where we read to dogs and puppies at the shelter.
Ida: Salina’s volunteerism is all about teamwork. We drive her where she needs to go. She also does volunteer work at home. She makes cards and care packages for veterans, active duty or wounded soldiers on the front line for Operation Gratitude.
Share one personal story with me from your volunteerism.
Salina: I helped this lady volunteering for Brooke’s Blossoming Hope, she was selling flowers in honor of her daughter, who she lost to cancer. I gave her my golden crown, it made me feel happy.
Ida: Salina was Volunteering with Brooke’s Blossoming Hope, at a Go Gold for Kids With Cancer night in honor of Brooke and all kids with cancer. She donated her crown to make it part of Brooke’s foundation.
Why do you think it’s important for others to give back?
Salina: It’s important to volunteer to meet new people, and you give back to your community. Volunteering brings people together to build a better world and community.
What’s been the most rewarding part of your service?
Ida: Salina has a mission to make a difference in the community. She likes connecting with children and helping them, especially the less fortunate.
How have you been volunteering amidst the Covid-19 pandemic?
Ida: Salina has been making bracelets which are being collected to send to hospitals for sick children.
When you’re not volunteering or going to school, how do you spend your time?
Salina: I like to sing, play soccer, dance and do pageants. I also like to spend time with my family and friends.
In one word, what does volunteering mean to you?
Salina: Dedication.
How can readers help?
Please visit Corpus Christi’s Ronald McDonald House Charities website for more information about how you can help.
Do you want to make a difference in your community like Salina Ramirez? Find local volunteer opportunities.