Teen Starts Nonprofit to Help Vulnerable Ugandan Children

In 2011, at 11 years old, Mallory Fundora sat down to write her Christmas list for her parents. After careful consideration, she decided there was only one thing she wanted – to give back to others. Inspired by a meeting with members of the Ugandan Orphan Children’s Choir after a performance at her church the year before, she focused her service work on helping children in Africa.
With guidance from her parents, Mallory reached out to Amazina Ministries and Project Have Hope to find out the best way to help, which resulted in the launch of her nonprofit Project Yesu. The organization provides food, medicine and education to orphaned and vulnerable children in Uganda, Africa. Over the past six years, Mallory, now a junior in high school, has raised more than $200,000, built a playground and suite a pit latrine bathrooms in the village of Musima and is serving over 250 children through her education sponsorship program. Her Acholi Quarter Feeding program provides a hot porridge breakfast to more than 350 children each weekday.