Steven Tate
Steve Tate has been coming into the classroom for the past two years as a part of the Junior Achievement Program. His presence has impacted students in more ways the teachers and staff could have imagined when he began his service with the Junior Achievement Program. Steve brings his real world experiences into the classroom on a weekly basis, and it is an enormous contribution to Ravenwood High School.
As a local Allstate Agent, Steve’s industry knowledge and expertise have allowed him to be an effective educator in both the Business Economics and Marketing courses. Not only is he able to add the real life element to the lessons that is taught by staff, but he does so as if he were a certified teacher. Steve grabs the attention and respect of the students the moment he walks into the classroom, and he is able to do this because of his genuine interest in and respect for the students as individuals.
Steve not only asks questions as any “good” teacher would do, but he truly listens to and is intrigued by the answers the students give to those questions. Steve is not merely a guest speaker; he is an educator, and one with an enormous amount of enthusiasm and expertise. If it weren’t for Junior Achievement’s ability to find quality volunteers such as Steven Tate, students at Ravenwood High School would have missed out on a truly remarkable, first-hand learning opportunity. The Junior Achievement program has been an awesome addition to the classes that are taught and the teachers plan to continue taking advantage of all that it has to offer in years to come.