The Milford Explorers has as a part of its mission dedicated itself to serving the community. The young people in the Post have volunteered hundreds of hours on projects doing just that. The Post has undertaken several projects that help to raise public awareness on crucial issues facing the community.
Post 29 received national recognition for its KidCare Project. The Kodak Corporation and the National Center developed this project for Missing and Exploited Children. The Project involved fingerprinting and photographing young children and giving that information to the child’s parent. This information can then be given to the authorities in the event the child is missing. The Milford Explorers have fingerprinted and photographed more than 2,000 children during the last few years involved in the program. In 1998 and 2002, the International Society of Crime Prevention Practitioners awarded the Milford Post the Community Crime Prevention Award.
KinderVision was created in April 1991 as a result of work the program founder performed on behalf of Leticia Hernandez, a seven-year-old kidnapping and murder victim of the San Diego area. The founder assisted in developing a citizen’s committee to raise reward fund monies for her return and the arrest of the perpetrator. Her killer is still at large. Each participating family receives a free copy of the KinderVision child safety video which is designed to be used as a resource in the home for parents to teach their children how to be safe and when they are not with them. At the KinderVision events, children are video recorded for parent’s safekeeping.
The Gun Lock Safety Project was funded by a mini-grant through the Community Partners for Health (CHNA-6). This project distributes Gun Trigger Locks to gun owners with children in the home. This project was awarded the “Most Innovative” project in the Massachusetts Department of Public Health statewide Conference in 1999.
The Teen Health Pamphlet is the most recent project of the Milford Police Department Explorers Law Enforcement Post 29. This is a pamphlet that was compiled by the Explorers for young people in the region. The Explorers received technical assistance on this project from the Milford Franklin Pediatrics and Adolescent Care. The project was funded by a mini-grant received by the Milford Explorers from the CHNA-6. The pamphlet contains resources for teens on a wide variety of health related topics such as suicide, eating disorders, dating violence and drug/alcohol abuse.
Milford Exploring Law Enforcement Program is an educational program designed to give young people between the ages of 14 and 21 years of age an insight into a career in law enforcement. The program has received state and national awards for its outstanding community service. In addition, some of its members have gone on to achieve successful careers in law enforcement.