Michelle McLaughlin
Michelle McLaughlin has been the BN FRG leader for 112th Signal Battalion, Sustainment Brigade for one year. During that time she has donated countless hours establishing and organizing a well-trained and functional FRG.
Michelle oversees four companies and provides personal guidance to each company level FRG leader. She not only provides the company FRG leaders with up to date information, but support when they are overwhelmed and stressed. Michelle is able to mitigate any sort of crisis situation or rumor that may happen. She is there to assist when needed by any of the other FRG representatives.
Michelle has created an FRG Key Caller book. This key caller book is used by every company and their key caller volunteers. This book provides information such as who to call, when to call, and quick reference information regarding community and installation resources. Michelle has also created a battalion handbook. This handbook provides information to the unit’s points of contact, Family readiness information, frequently requested numbers, applicable procedures for accomplishing various tasks and a wealth of other pertinent information.
Michelle spearheaded an initiative to develop and implement a casualty training within the unit to increase Soldier and Family preparedness in the event of single and mass casualties. She is also responsible for the battalion's monthly reports. Theses monthly reports include all company level activities, expenditures, new FRG members, volunteer hours and services. The reports are given to the Family Programs Assistant each month and reported to the higher headquarters.
Michelle hosts FRG leaders meetings and workshops. The FRG leaders attend volunteer meetings for key callers, treasurers, welcoming committees, care team trainings, steering committee meetings, casualty workshops, and leadership workshops. This helps the FRG Leaders to be able to provide their Families with better support and resources. These meetings and workshops also help professionally develop the FRG leaders so that they can grow and continue to lead, thus making their military family stronger.
Michelle has stepped out of her battalion countless times to provide guidance and feedback to new battalion and brigade spouses and to also assist the brigade with obtaining support from benevolent organizations. When another battalion in her brigade lost a spouse recently, she donated her time to make meals and provide support through securing support from various military affiliated organizations.
Michelle McLaughlin is a true and positive leader for all spouses. Through her continuous volunteer efforts she has shown her commitment and dedication to improve the quality of living for our Soldiers and their Families and she is a role model for all spouses within the battalion.