Daily Point of Light # 2154 May 7, 2002

Mark Moseley is a volunteer in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area. He has worked with Rural Opportunities, the Housing and Credit Counseling Service, Consumer Credit Counseling, the Indian Center and other organizations that work to provide aid to various underserved populations. He has served on several boards dedicated to Housing Issues in Kansas including The Lawrence Housing Practitioners Panel, The Lawrence Housing Trust Fund Committee, The Topeka Homeless Task Force and The Topeka Emergency Shelter Coalition. While serving on the boards, Moseley was able to observe the changing social and political climates effecting housing.

Moseley was moved to volunteer at the Pelathe Community Resource Center in Lawrence, Kansas after watching the effects of welfare reform and high housing costs. Though he had no funding sources, no facility and no sponsors, Moseley quit his job to develop a transitional shelter. This idea later became the Transitional Center. His goal was to have this shelter meet a need for single mothers struggling with the effects of welfare reform. The shelter provides job training, GED classes, daycare and a safe living environment, which aid families in the transition off the welfare roles into the job market.

After founding the Transitional Center, Moseley saw that they were in fact meeting a need. He then moved on to what he viewed as another underserved population in our country, migrant farm workers. Moseley took a position with Rural Opportunities, which is a nonprofit organization that operates in six states along with Puerto Rico. Moseley’s first project with them was a 52-bed facility for migrant fruit pickers. Construction on this site will begin this year.

While Moseley worked with the Housing and Credit Counseling Service, he set up tenant and landlord counseling sessions to help foster better communication between the two and work with appropriate issues. He also helped with the Consumer Credit Counseling Service that works with clients and creditors to improve their financial position. Moseley also serves on the board of The Pennsylvania Low Income Coalition and the Alliance for Better Housing. He remains an advocate in the community for providing decent and affordable housing along with social services to all people who are in need.
