Lia Haile

In 2012, Lia Haile of Manitowoc, Wisconsin founded the Hopeful Hearts Club to assist families at a local homeless shelter, the Hope House. The Hopeful Hearts Club consists of more than 350 volunteers who generously give their time, talents, and treasure to help homeless families in Manitowoc.
Haile, a fourth grader at Stangel Elementary School, organizes birthday parties for the children at the shelter. In addition, she creates welcome home bags containing toiletry items for each child who walks through the doors of the shelter. Each month, Haile coordinates family fun events like ice cream socials, movie nights, pizza parties, and the club purchases backpacks and school supplies for every homeless child enrolled school. Haile works with local businesses to obtain goods and services at a discount. She gives speeches at local schools, businesses and churches about her Hopeful Hearts Club and homelessness,