Kimberly Fink

Kimberly Fink founded Treatmint Box and Fuel for the Fight Foundation, with a mission to connect friends and family to people with cancer. To date, Treatmint Box has helped thousands of families connect and has provided a little comfort and love to patients in the middle of their fight with cancer.

A young adult cancer survivor, Fink has taken her own struggle with cancer and used it to bring comfort to other people in the same position. During her fight with cancer, she saw how people wanted to help, but just weren’t sure how to continue that support after the initial phone call or card. It’s a common cancer experience to find yourself in the middle of your battle and suddenly having less people around to lean on.
These boxes provide comfort, but most importantly they connect the friend or family member that sends the box to the person who receives the box. These boxes help patients feel less alone. They are filled with comfort and inspirational support.
Treatmint Box provides a unique approach to the problem that many cancer patients face: loneliness. Each unique monthly box contains a curated selection of items chosen for comfort and inspiration. Friends and family leave a personalized message of encouragement and the boxes are delivered right to the loved one’s door.
Fink is an innovator and has a deep passion and commitment to the cancer community. She's found a way to harness the power of family and friends to support struggling patients. Her work with Fuel for the Fight donates resources to those who cannot afford such luxuries and makes sure that no matter who you are that you aren't fighting alone.