Judy Howell
After volunteering at Warner Christian Academy for 10 years, it is somewhat impossible to assess the number of hours Judy Howell devotes to every aspect of the school. She is a the school every morning and spends many lunch and after work hours there, also.
An officer of the school’s PTO, Judy coordinates at least two fundraisers every year to supply materials needed to enhance the school’s education, athletic and fine arts programs. She serves on school improvement planning groups each year, has been a part of school accreditation and technology committee and servers on the School Board. This year she has spearheaded an effort to revive the school athletic booster club and servers as the president.
On Monday afternoon Judy helped institute an after-school kid’s club presenting character and moral lessons in a safe and caring environment at South Daytona Elementary. Judy has had an impact on almost every facet of the Warner Campus, never asking others to do anything she does not do herself. Though she mentors others to take leadership roles, Judy models the involvement for them.
Judy Howell was nominated by Warner Christian Academy for the Outstanding Volunteer of the Year award presented by United Way’s Volunteer Center of Volusia-Flagler counties, FL, and Bright House Networks. Because of her work with and for the students and parents at Warner Christian Academy, Judy was chosen as the Runner-up in the Education Category.