Jerry & Shanti Stirret

Daily Point of Light # 4298 Jul 28, 2010

Called to Serve
Although Jerry and Shanti Stirret get a great emotional return from volunteering, that’s not why this couple’s life is filled with countless hours of service to a myriad of organizations. Jerry and Shanti believe it’s their calling to serve others, and that it is one of the most important things you can do with your time here on earth.
The community in which Jerry and Shanti serve faces many challenge areas. They believe one of the best ways to begin making progress in those challenges is to serve as an example for others, and to tell others of the opportunities they have to serve. Even though they believe individuals can do a lot, they also know that inspiring others has a ripple effect that reaches a far greater number of people.
Jerry and Shanti reach out to raise awareness of the neighborhood’s needs by speaking at church and community events whenever they can. They also take pictures of the work they do; showing the slides during the talks. Seeing the impacts of volunteering, along with hearing Jerry and Shanti’s words, has moved many to get more involved in the community.
But the couple’s volunteer efforts also extend beyond their immediate community. Jerry and Shanti have been helping to build houses for those in need in Juarez, Mexico. Because of their efforts in sharing stories from past trips, this year Jerry and Shanti will have more volunteers to help in this effort.
The list of all the ways in which these two serve is impressive. Besides the work they do with their church, Jerry and Shanti also serve with Casas por Cristo, Hope Worldwide, The American Red Cross, and the Maple Valley Food Bank.
They plan to continue this level of involvement and service, not because they feel obligated to do so, but rather, because they were called to do so.
