Florida Woman Remembers Her Sister Every Day Through American Cancer Society Volunteerism

As Maryanne Bolduc’s sister neared the end of her four-year battle with cancer, she asked Maryanne to keep a promise: that their commitment to finding a cure for cancer would remain alive, even long after her death. Maryanne’s sister eventually lost her battle to cancer, but Maryanne continues fighting in her sister’s memory and for her sister’s three daughters each and every day.
Since 2010, Maryanne has been involved in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and in the past four years, Maryanne has served as the event lead for the Venice, Florida Relay for Life where she has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and is encouraging others to get involved.

Dedicated to serving her community and helping to fund programs for cancer research, Maryanne is making a difference in her community by raising awareness about ACS and is today’s Daily Point of Light award honoree. Points of Light spoke to Maryanne to learn more about her work with ACS.
After your sister’s death, what continues to inspire you to volunteer?
It means everything to me now. It truly does, because I know what a different my service is making and it’s also inspiring the next generation.
Describe your volunteer role with American Cancer Society.
I primarily fundraise and raise awareness. Our Venice, Florida Relay ranked fifth in the state for total fundraising last year, raising over $200,000. That amount of money means we can sustain programs for participants whether it’s providing patients transportation to and from their cancer treatments, or free lodging for cancer patients and their caregivers in locations nationwide while they’re receiving treatment.
What’s your life motto?
My mother always taught me to do for others as you would want to be done for you. I take care of the next person not expecting anything back, and that’s what I’ve always tried to instill in others around me as well.
What’s been the most rewarding part of your work?
Keeping my promise to my sister is huge. I also teach my granddaughter to think about and be there for others, even if you don’t know them. Some of the most amazing people I could have ever hoped to meet are ACS volunteers. We all believe in the same mission: someday, we want to be able to say that cancer is gone.

What have you learned through your experiences as a volunteer?
There are a lot of people out there that want to volunteer and are passionate about making a difference, they sometimes just don’t know where to start. It’s really important to volunteer no matter what cause you identify with.
What do you want people to learn from your story?
Every one of us can make a difference. Whether you are a 70-year-old cancer survivor, or a 7-year-old Girl Scout. We all can make a difference.
Do you want to make a difference in your community like Maryanne Bolduc? Visit All For Good for local volunteer opportunities.
Post written by Marlena Militana.