Cindy Baczewski

Daily Point of Light # 4360 Oct 22, 2010

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix had a plan to combat the increases in juvenile crime, gang activity and drug trafficking that was plaguing the West Valley. Together with several community partners, they were preparing to tackle these challenges by expanding programs and building three new Clubhouses in these needy areas. However, to be successful in these efforts, the Boys & Girls Clubs needed to increase the fundraising and volunteer efforts of its auxiliary groups.

For seven years the Boys & Girls Clubs have counted on Cindy Baczewski to help them achieve these lofty goals and change the lives of disadvantaged area youth.

During her seven years of service with MetroOrg, Cindy has played an integral role in transforming the group through a restructuring and rebranding process. MetroOrg is a volunteer fundraising and direct service group that supports the mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix. But, when Cindy joined MetroOrg in 2003, the group was a loosely formed volunteer organization providing very limited fundraising support for the Clubs’ vital programs and services. Today, thanks to Cindy’s perseverance, the organization is an attractive service outlet for young professionals and has grown its membership by 700% while also improving member retention and engagement.

The group began to plan and execute several large-scale fundraising events, including Global Gala, a food and beverage tasting event and auction that attracts 300 guests each year, the Heatstroke Classic Golf Tournament and Best of Texas Poker Tournament. Through these events, the group has consistently exceeded initial fundraising goals netting a profit of $108,000 in fiscal year 2008-09.

Beyond her many roles within the MetroOrg, Cindy also gives her time to serve in other capacities within the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix. At any given time during the year, Cindy can be found assisting Club staff with quality assessments, coordinating donations for badly needed program supplies and even taking youth participants on fieldtrips.

Through all of her roles at MetroOrg and Boys & Girls Clubs, Cindy has never lost sight of the goal to provide hope and opportunity to youth in some of the West Valley’s most underserved neighborhoods.
