Christopher watson has helped the community in several ways. He is a 14 year old student at W-M Home School in Oak Grove, MO.
He has visited an elderly woman almost every week for several years until she died this past winter. He made gifts for her and played with her dog. For several years, he made Valentine Cards for Childrens Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. The Cards are sent to a radio station and then delivered to the kids. He has also written letters to members of the military of our town and also of the United States. He has adopted a family for Christmas by making cards, candy, and cookies for them. This large family lost their mother one year, so he helped out for Christmas. He participates in National Youth Service Day. This past spring, he helped people in the community by raking yards, cleaning sheds, pulling weeds, and cleaning. He was a host brother for a Japanese student one summer. He played sports and games with her, went with her to the zoo etc. He does volunteer projects every year and continues to do so.