Daily Point of Light # 2235 Aug 28, 2002

Charles “Chuck” Shane exemplifies the true nature of volunteerism, the giving of one’s time and talents without monetary compensation, to make life a little easier for someone else. Last year, Shane, as he calls himself, volunteered over 1,000 hours through RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) for a number of different programs in Kalamazoo County. When calculated by the Point of Light’s value of $16.05 per volunteer hour, Chuck’s volunteer effort comes to $16,050 dollars worth of free service. Agencies that benefited form Chuck’s time and talents are the American Cancer Society, American Red Cross, Hospice of Greater Kalamazoo, Kellogg Biological Station, Fontbonne Manor, St. Joe’s Church and the City Kalamazoo.

Last year Chuck Shane impacted many lives by means of his volunteer efforts. Cancer patients were provided rides to their appointments, veterans were driven to the VA Hospital, and blood banks were set up and maintained. Hospice patients had companionship, seniors were taken to community events, tourists and local residents were given tours of dairy farms and maple sugar events and the Sister of St. Joseph were provided transportation in the wheelchair van driven by Chuck Shane. As if these weren’t enough, people as far away as New York City were the recipients of this 80 year old’s drive, determination and generosity, often volunteering as much 16 hours a day, answering the call of the Red Cross National Disaster Team following September 11th.
