Aydin & Hannah Rose Martin

Children with disabilities often struggle in the classroom do to the lack of support that is needed for them to succeed.
Aydin and Hannah Rose Martin are fully aware of the learning curve and disadvantages many of these students face. Combined with a steady growth in classroom sizes, there is undoubtedly a need to provide extra attention to those students with learning disabilities. Created out of necessity, the brother and sister pair cofounded Martin Miracles, Inc.

The goal of Martin Miracles, Inc, which is a non-profit based out of Arizona, is to target students in grades K-12 with learning disabilities, and provide them the extra tutoring they need, through scholarship, to ensure that they reach their full potential. For those students that need the extra attention, Martin Miracles is one of the few, if not only outlets, in which supplemental education is awarded through scholarship.
Martin Miracles – ‘transforming disabilities into abilities one child at a time.’
In business for just a few months, officially launching in April 2015, Martin Miracles has already raised $7,000, and will award its first scholarship on August 1, 2015.
This wasn’t just a spur of the moment idea, in fact, Aydin and Hannah Rose have been working to start Martin Miracles since 2009. Sparked by Aydin’s own hardship, diagnosed with ADHD, the Martin’s realized that tutoring outside the classroom is not only necessary, but very expensive as well.
While Aydin’s personal struggle turned out to be the creation of Martin Miracles, Aydin’s personal triumph is reason to believe Martin Miracles is here to stay. Aydin, along with his sister, are current members of the Honors Society. From early inconsistent learning behavior, to a scholarly standout, Aydin is proof of the impact Martin Miracles can make in a child’s life.