Air Force Reservist Continues a Life of Service Through Frontline Families Program

In celebration of AmeriCorps Week 2017 (March 4-11), Points of Light is recognizing some of the outstanding AmeriCorps members who currently serve or who have served in our ServiceWorks, Ready Corps, Frontline Families, and Financial Opportunity Corps programs with Daily Point of Light Awards. AmeriCorps Week is a time to salute AmeriCorps members and alums for their service, thank AmeriCorps community partners, and share stories about the impact of AmeriCorps on communities and on the lives of those who serve.

When Jaime Waterbury transitioned from Active Duty to the Air Force Reserve, she wasn’t sure what to do with her time. As an Active Duty spouse, trying to find a job placement in an ever moving environment can be quite challenging. Driven by a desire to continue to help others, Jaime joined Points of Light’s Frontline Families AmeriCorps program, where she found a passion in helping empower others to volunteer.
Service to country is an essential element of Jaime’s family. The daughter of Retired Army Colonel, Jaime served in the Air Force with two tours to Iraq. She is currently an Air Force Reservist at the 4th Combat Camera Squadron in Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, in addition to being an AmeriCorps member. Jaime’s husband is Active Duty Air Force and currently serving his 4th tour in Iraq. The couple have a one and half year old son and live near the army base Fort Stewart, Georgia.
Jaime’s inspiration for joining Frontline Families came from an experience volunteering with the American Red Cross while stationed in Ramstein, Germany. Her experience as a volunteer ignited a passion and she looked to continue volunteering with the Red Cross when she was transferred to Fort Stewart.
As a Frontline Family AmeriCorps member, Jaime is “stationed” at the local Red Cross at Winn Army Community Hospital. Jaime helps recruit, onboard and train new volunteers. She also helps the staff determine volunteer needs, promote Red Cross Reconnection Workshops and supports different volunteer run initiatives.
A project that Jaime is particularly proud of is an event last year held in partnership with the YMCA and the Red Cross Youth Group. The purpose of the event was to teach kids how to prepare for disasters. Teens from the Youth Group led younger kids through an exercise around what they would need to take in case of fire, tornado or another disaster. Each child left with an emergency kit and information to share with their family. “It really felt great seeing our youth teach the next generation some very valuable information,” said Jaime.

On top of her typical Red Cross duties, Jaime facilitates volunteer leader trainings. According to Jaime, “Nothing makes me happier than to guide a Veteran or Solider to building their own volunteer program – whether it be a onetime special project or building a volunteer program from the group up. I enjoy seeing the end result and how much better the community is because the dedicated volunteers I get to work with every day.”
Serving with Frontline Families has not only been rewarding, but provided a sense of stability. “The joy and experience I have felt working with the American Red Cross and all of the wonderful volunteers has been truly spectacular. The opportunities that Points of Light’s Frontline Families program has afforded me have been nothing short of amazing in the sometimes tumultuous time of being a military spouse, having to move often and looking for career that you love,” Jaime shared.