Facilitating Connections in Health Locally and Globally

Daily Point of Light # 7912 Oct 2, 2024

Meet Daily Point of Light Award honoree Aditya Tyagi. Read his story, and nominate an outstanding volunteer or family as a Daily Point of Light. 

In June 2022, at age 14, Aditya Tyagi founded Connect2Health. His goal was to address health disparities in underserved communities in Arizona. Through Connect2Health, Adi and his team cater to underserved communities, including the unhoused, uninsured and others in need. 

Connect2Health mainly ensures access to healthcare services through mobilizing resources, impactful partnerships and engaging volunteers to tackle critical issues people face. Their goal is to eliminate food insecurity and provide healthcare access. Through the work Adi has done as the founder of Connect2Health, he has successfully distributed over 1,269 senior food boxes, 1,550 naloxone kits, 100 hygiene kits and 91,150 meals to malnourished children. He has helped organize crucial health screenings and raised awareness for organ donation, improving thousands of lives. 

Connect2Health currently partners with 11 organizations, and its volunteers have volunteered over 330 hours, serving 8,300 community members across five counties. As Adi and the Connect2Health volunteers continue to offer their time to their communities, they are tirelessly working to expand their impact. 

What inspires you to volunteer? 

I live in a household where my brother has autism and my dad has psoriatic arthritis. Thankfully, they got the necessary care, but not everyone is as fortunate. Since their diagnosis, it became apparent to me that a lot of people have limited access to healthcare, and it shouldn’t be this way. No one should face this inequality, and this inspired me to start Connect2Health, a nonprofit where people can connect to the resources they might need. Connect2Health not only caters to medical needs, but it also appeals to food, clothing and education. 

Tell us about your volunteer role with Connect2Health. 

I am the founder of Connect2Health. I contribute approximately 30-35 hours monthly to leading and managing various initiatives. My duties include coordinating partnerships with nonprofit organizations, organizing and distributing essential items such as health kits, food boxes and wellness kits, and overseeing health screening events. I provide resources to people facing health disparities and

Adi Tyagi works with Connect2Health volunteers to sort and box medical equipment for small hospitals. /Courtesy Aditya Tyagi

inequality in human resources. I knew this was a significant problem and understood I could not do it alone, so eventually, with the help of my family and friends, I started a club at school and continued our work outside of school.

What inspired you to get started with this initiative? 

Watching my brother and father attend many doctor visits, I realized its impact on my mom and myself. It became my responsibility to take care of both with my mom, and even with my mom being the primary caretaker, I found myself struggling to keep up with school. Thankfully, they are doing much better today, but eventually, I realized that my situation seemed quite fortunate compared to many others.  

I don’t believe anyone should be afraid to visit the hospital because of how much it may cost them. But it seems very few people know about free clinics or free food banks, and that is where I came in to fill the gap.  

What are your long-term plans or goals for the organization? 

I would like to make Connect2Health available in more communities across Arizona. Aside from focusing on Arizona, we would like to expand to other states, such as California or Texas. With expansion comes the need for more volunteers. We hope more people will join us and contribute to the cause.  

Lastly, we plan to partner with more organizations and become more widespread. Our objective is to get our name out there! 

What’s been the most rewarding part of your work? 

The most rewarding part of my work has been the reactions of people who are in need. The kindness the unhoused population has shown me has been overwhelming. They are always grateful to be acknowledged and cared about, which gives me joy at the end of the day. 

Not long ago, I gave this man a kind kit. Before he received it, I briefly talked with him, revealing I planned to become a doctor one day. Upon receiving his kit, he told me, “You’re going to make a great doctor.” His kind words touched my heart; I was grateful he was happy and reminded me that I was on the right path to success. 

What have you learned through your experiences as a volunteer? 

Volunteering taught me the importance of patience, compassion and perseverance. Not everyone will be willing to accept the help they need; persistence is essential. My greatest gift is the knowledge I’ve acquired to positively impact underserved communities, whether that may be helping someone whose English is not their first language or who might just need guidance.

Adi Tyagi gives individuals unhoused emergency food boxes and water bottles in Arizona. /Courtesy Aditya Tyagi

Tell us about future partnerships, programs, or events that you are excited about. 

In school, about every three weeks, we host an event where anyone can sign up to volunteer with Feed My Starving Children or Desert Mission Foodbanks. During this time, we gather to pack food and distribute it to underserved communities or families in need across Arizona. Our goal is to eventually partner with more nonprofit organizations whose values align with ours to expand our outreach as much as possible. 

Why do others need to get involved with causes they care about? 

People need to get involved with any cause because it is noble. Not only does community service benefit the community you are helping, but it also always increases your self-esteem. It is a mutually beneficial effort for both those receiving the help and those who are giving the help. The benefits are endless, mentally, emotionally and even physically. 

My grades have improved significantly; I am more confident and energetic and am a better person overall. The ability to make a difference in someone’s life is genuinely monumental and self-motivating. 

Any advice for people who want to start volunteering? 

You don’t need to be part of an organization or become an “official volunteer.” You can begin volunteering in any way possible, whether helping an unhoused person or saying a few kind words to your community. It all makes a difference in the end. 

What do you want people to learn from your story? 

Despite the many daily obstacles, the end goal is a vast reward. Helping people is worth any extra time; there are never enough excuses not to give back. I find it challenging to balance my schoolwork and extracurriculars right now, but once you begin helping people out, it all becomes worth it. If you haven’t started volunteering, I highly recommend doing so. 

Do you want to make a difference in your community like Aditya? Find local volunteer opportunities. 

Andrea Smith