Planning Impactful Fall Employee Engagement Activities

Webinar Held May 17, 2024

Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee Engagement, Employee Volunteering

  • Discover the latest trends and innovative approaches in employee volunteering.
  • Learn from real-world examples and success stories to inspire and inform your organization’s community engagement efforts.
  • Explore strategies to make volunteer efforts inclusive and accessible to all employees.

Guest Speakers

  • Jennifer Nash, SVP, Corporate Activation, Points of Light
  • Michelle Dee, COO, Jersey Cares

Top Takeaways

  1. Start now. Although the second half of the year seems far away, for your sake and for your community partners’ sake, remember that meaningful impact takes time to plan. Think about the steps you can be taking now so that you offer a mix of varied opportunities that align with both employee and community needs.
  2. Trust your partners. Nonprofit leaders understand community issues and how volunteers can best support them. Your volunteer champions and ambassadors can ensure colleagues are ready and able to serve.
  3. Co-create solutions. Know the interests, skills and capacity of your volunteers, and work together with your nonprofit partners to put them to best use to meet community needs.
  4. Infuse learning and deep thinking. No matter what type of activities you plan, ensure that volunteers comprehend the community issue they’ll be addressing and provide time post-project for reflection.
  5. Be flexible but strategic. Understand the reasons behind the goals you’re setting yet stay adaptable and open to new ideas.

Resources to support your planning