Fall Volunteer Opportunities

Oct 30, 2012

Don’t have much time to give back, or want to do something easy and meaningful?

October and November months offer plenty of volunteering opportunities. Now that it’s fall and the weather is changing it’s a great time to clean out your closets and give back to goodwill. Before buying new fall clothes, take some time to give away items you don’t need any more. You have to clean out your closet anyway right, why not give your clothes to a great cause?

Find a goodwill or donation site near you.

Another helpful project to set up is a community clothing swap.  A clothing swap is also a great idea for swapping Halloween costumes to reuse them.Help others in your community get ready for the winter weather and get rid of your smaller jackets, mittens, scarves that you no longer use.

Have a great idea you want to implement in your neighborhood? Join in Make a Difference Day on October 27 and register your project on the Daytabank to recruit your volunteers. Join in the largest day of service with your community and make a positive difference at the end of the month.

Want to dedicate more time to a cause, and also benefit your fitness?

The weather is so nice out, now is a great time to partake in runs/walks for causes. Make working out more meaningful by raising awareness and funds to support worthwhile causes, such as disease research, children’s programs, military support, and more.

Search for a charity to support on Active.com.

Want other community service ideas? Find more volunteer opportunities on our website by typing in your zip code to see what HandsOn Network Volunteer Action Centers near you have service projects.
