Rainbow Bridge, co-founded by Linda Holloway and Sharron Brandrup in 1993, enhances the lives of nursing home elders and brings generations together in mutually rewarding relationships. This is accomplished through volunteer programs involving youth, families, individuals, businesses and community organizations.
Rainbow Bridge is dedicated as a living legacy to Holloway’s grandmother, Bessie “Granny” Stephens. It was her nursing home experience in Texas that flamed a passion within the two co-founders to shine a light on the forgotten elders. The work of the organizations is just as beneficial to the youth who volunteer. Participation in activities designed by Rainbow Bridge enhances the youths’ reading and writing skills, as well as interpersonal and leadership skills. The youth and the nursing home elders feel needed and valued by each other.
Recognized largely for its intergenerational and service-learning work, Rainbow Bridge trains and works with thousands of youth each year. There are Rainbow Bridge Volunteers of all ages in nursing homes and assisted living facilities throughout the Front Range of Colorado and Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Rainbow Bridge trains all volunteers, coordinates and facilitates the visits, provides activity planning and materials and creates the structure in which deep bonds and special life-transforming relationships are cultivated between the elders and the volunteers.