Paul has made outstanding volunteer contributions to Milledgeville through Pi Kappa Phi. He has held many leadership positions within his fraternity such as philanthropy chair, the Push chair, social chair, as well as two other executive roles, the secretary and the position of the chaplain. Paul has worked with The GIVE Center as a liaison to other groups that have done community service and volunteering. He was the team captain for Relay for Life for two years for different teams.
Paul has helped his fraternity to understand the importance for PUSH America, their national philanthropy as well as community service as a whole. This past summer, Paul decided to participate in Journey of Hope with Push America and he raised over $5000 (he was only required to raise $2500). He also participated in “Give a Push” weekends and encourages his fraternity brothers to get involved with this service endeavor. He planned an entire week of events, called No Boundaries, to educate the campus and community about serving people with disabilities. This week featured speakers, fundraising, advocacy, movies, and adaptive recreational sports. Paul wrote a grant for $1,000 to cover the cost of the first No Boundaries Week, and was very successful in getting the funding.
To ensure that this type of programming continues on campus he decided to start the No Boundaries Club which is now an official, registered student organization. One goal for the No Boundaries Club was to purchase a set of Kids on the Block puppets, which are puppets that have disabilities (they cost $10,000). Working with others at the university, Paul submitted a proposal and was awarded a grant for $9,999 from the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities. He is determined to have this program on our campus and make it a success. With his determination this program will be functional by the fall semester.
Paul has a great way of working with students and individuals. He is a well respected young man among his peers along with the university staff. Not only does Paul work well with others but he also holds other leadership positions outside his fraternity. Paul has been the student coordinator for campus blood drives for the last three years. Since he has taken on this leadership position, there has been a dramatic increase in the participation on campus. Last year, CG&SU received the gold award for having collected the most blood at the university setting within a given region.
Paul is a staff member in our community service office and it is amazing what an asset he is to our office. He currently gets paid for 10 hours a week of working in The GIVE Center; however he is in the office about 30-40 hours a week volunteering his time over the 10 hours he gets paid. Paul has decided he would rather give his time to volunteer and broaden his leadership skills and horizon than to get a paying job.
He has also recently won the National Presidential Volunteer Service Award. His fraternity has recently received the National Presidential Service Award as well. Pi Kappa Phi was able to receive this award mainly by the volunteer hours that Paul had completed as well as encouraging his brothers to participate in the “Give a Push Weekends.”