When Pat Morgan retired from Eastern Illinois University, where she had worked in the Print Center for more than 15 years, she knew that she would need to keep busy. Having been a member of her local VFW Auxiliary for more than 40 years, she began to volunteer her services almost immediately. Over the course of the next few years, Morgan devoted her seemingly tireless energies to making a difference – not only for veterans – but also in the lives of anyone who needed help. Her spirit of volunteerism and selfless dedication to her community certainly deserves to be recognized.
Morgan’s own home has become a “drop-off” center for the needy. Almost every day, she visits local groceries and stores, collecting donated items for the homeless, and then delivering the items to the shelter. She holds fund-raisers to help The Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and has coordinated fund drives to help many needy individuals in her community.
She volunteers monthly in veterans’ hospitals to assist with bingo and other activities that serve to make these veterans’ lives a little brighter. As Chairman of the VFW Auxiliary “Make a Difference Day” projects held over the past few years, Morgan has managed to raise thousands of dollars to provide hospital beds in nursing homes, as well as raising the money for a new girls’ softball field in her community. She even finds time to go into the schools and teach the children about patriotism and respect for America’s veterans and its flag. It is unimaginable how anyone could think of Pat Morgan as being “retired!”
Pat Morgan has touched the lives of so many people in need that it is impossible to mention all of her efforts. Certainly, her motivation is not monetary, because she receives no compensation for the kind acts she renders. Rather, she derives a sense of personal satisfaction from knowing that she has helped another. How wonderful it would be if everyone in this world held the same values!
Many people think that they must be famous, or have a fancy title behind their name in order to make a difference. Pat has shown the world, by her own example, that it is simply care and compassion for others, coupled with a willingness to serve, that really does make a difference.