Kristin Findley and Aziza Aba Butain have readily participated in every community service opportunity offered by the Volunteer Center of Southern Nevada as well as educating their peers and the community about the importance of volunteer work.
Both Kristin and Aziza have been exceptional students who put 110% effort into every endeavor. Both students recognize the necessity of community service for the spiritual growth of each individual. Because of their intense appreciation for The Make-A-Wish Foundation and its mission, they have also formed The Make-A-Wish Club at The Meadows School in November of the past school year.
The duo has been diligently creating and supervising fundraisers throughout the year with the specific goal of earning $5,000 to grand a child’s wish in April. The unfortunate situation of these terminally ill children has made Kristin and Aziza realize that by granting a special with, they have the special ability to give hope, courage and a bit of happiness to these children and their families.
After their first fundraiser, the girls had raised $2,700 for their club. The girls provided games, food and other entertainment for younger children for seven hours. A small donation was the entrance fee for this fundraiser, and the girls not only earned money; but they were able to inform the children of the need for their involvement in their community.
In addition to their own fundraisers, the girls support the 5K Make-A-Wish walk. Because of their encouragement, a significant number of their fellow high school students enthusiastically agreed to attend the event. So their peers could fully understand the impacts of their efforts, Kristin and Aziza invited Paige Candee, the head of the Southern Nevada Make-A-Wish Chapter, to share information about the organization at their high school assembly.
The Las Vegas community would not be the same without the diligent efforts of Kristin and Aziza. They serve and have also made it a priority to ensure a strong foundation in their club so students at Meadows can continue to give aid to the community even after they have graduated.