Jessica Merar
Rather than merely accepting the death of her mother and moving on with her life, Jessica Merar felt the need to take a stand and improve high school students’ lives across the country. While most kids would wallow in their grief, Jessica remained resolute in her cause to give scholarships to kids who have been affected by cancer. The organization she created, The Laurie Merar Foundation has grown into a multitude of chapters, and despite the small size, its goals and impact are incredibly large.
Jessica’s entire family was shocked with the death of her mom. Each of them felt the impact of her in their lives, and when she was gone, all of them were a bit lost. Yet, Jessica rose up to face the challenge of moving on with her life. She felt it important that her mother be honored in some manner that reflected her short time here. She had been dedicated to education, earning two masters degrees, and Jessica felt there was no better way to honor her than by giving seniors money to further their education at the collegiate level.
Jessica’s efforts have helped seniors who, not thinking they had a chance at going to college per financial restraints, open new doors that allow them to continue their education. In today's day and age no one thing in life is more valuable than a good education, something that not only everyone needs, but something that everyone deserves. The potential impact of this foundation is ever-reaching, as it could grow into a multi-faceted organization, helping students all over the country by not only providing money, but in the future sponsoring such activities as field days and other events to rally support around these kids who seemingly think they are alone in the world. There is no better way to inspire other people than to let people know that these students are not alone and that education is as important and you can obtain assistance for financial burdens.
A lot of times in life we casually walk along, worry about our own business and no one else around us. It takes a special kind of individual to devote their time, energy, and patience into helping others. Jessica is just that; a college student who recognized the need for such a foundation and made it her number one priority. She not only created a chapter in Delaware, but made it a national organization with chapters in two other states, and more to come in the future. In its inaugural year, the foundation managed to give out over $2,000 in scholarships.