Jennifer Crouse
Jennifer Crouse is a senior at Lake Forest High School in Felton, has assembled and delivered more than 2,500 “Fun/Care Packs” over the past 10 years to cheer up hospitalized children and other children in frightening situations. “I developed the idea of the Fun/Care Packs as a result of the time I spent in the hospital as a sick child,” said Jennifer. “These were very trying and scary times for me, as they are for all people who must spend time in the hospital.”
With funds obtained through grants and donations, Jennifer purchases games, toys and other entertaining items to put into each pack. Every year, her fellow 4-H members help her assemble and decorate the packs, and deliver them to their destinations. At first, Jennifer gave the packs to young hospital patients and to children visiting hospitalized family members. Three years ago, she began making additional packs for children and adults at a local Air Force base. And last year, Jennifer sent 300 packs to victims of Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast. “I have learned that the simplest things or gestures can have such a greater impact and meaning than we can ever imagine to those who are on the receiving end,” she said.