Gina Elise
As a creator of the nostalgic “Pin-Ups For Vets” calendar fundraiser project that supports our hospitalized Veterans and deployed troops, Gina Elise has been very close to Veterans and their healthcare issues over the last few years.
Gina has worked tirelessly outside of her 9-5 job, visiting hundreds of hospitalized Veterans in hospitals across the United States. She has delivered hundreds of the donated “Pin-Ups For Vets” calendar gifts to them, inscribed with personalized messages of appreciation for their service to our country.
Gina has raised $20,000 for Veterans and military hospital programs that care for our Vets and active duty military. She has also delivered hundreds of donated calendar gifts to our deployed military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because of her work to support our Veterans and troops, she has been honored with 5 flags flown over military bases in Iraq in honor of this project. The California Jaycees Foundation and the California Junior Chamber of Commerce selected Gina Elise as 2007 “Outstanding Young Californian.”
Veteran’s health issues and causes are close to her heart, and she is also honoring the four year military service of her late Grandpa Lou. Gina’s project to support hospitalized Veterans and deployed troops has touched people around the world. This project has gained support, not just in the United States, but also in other countries.
Hundreds of ill and injured Veterans have received personal visits and gifts from Gina. Hundreds of troops have had their morale boosted when they have received donated calendar gifts with messages of appreciation. Veterans and Military hospitals have benefited from the funds raised. Fox News in Los Angeles as well as TV networks, radio stations, newspapers and magazines around the country have reported on the success of Gina’s calendar fundraiser project.
Gina Elise was inspired by the beautiful pin-ups from World War II that boosted the morale of the troops in the 1940’s. She took that idea and created a modern day nostalgic pin-up calendar fundraiser that would again bring smiles to hospitalized Vets and deployed troops. She created a website where people around the world can order calendars for themselves, hospitalized Vets or for deployed troops. Her hospital visits have helped our Veterans and the calendars have cheered the troops.