Evelyn Pocan

Daily Point of Light # 3263 Aug 8, 2006

Evelyn Pocan is an active and avid member of the Foster Grandparents at Head Start in Missoula, MT. Pocan is dedicated as a volunteer and goes about her volunteer duties with the same work ethic as one who is being paid for their service.

Pocan has completed the necessary orientation and is excited about being a wonderful Grandma who is dedicated to her Head Start placement. Whenever she has an opportunity she speaks about her duties and always encourages other to take the time to be Foster Grandparents also. Pocan is an integral part of the Missoula program and is recognized by many for all she brings to Missoula.

Even though she is legally blind, Pocan works Monday through Thursday in the Robins Full Day classroom and is a tremendous joy and support for the teaching staff and students. She rides the bus to and from Head Start with the children, and she works with the students individually to help them learn and explore the classroom. Pocan keeps the children on task, reads to them, plays with them, and enhances the loving, caring atmosphere of the classroom. The Robin’s teachers and children lovingly refer to her as their Grandma. Pocan puts a smile on all of their faces when she is seen going to the family center for her morning coffee wearing the latest construction paper hat that the kids made for her.

Pocan goes above and beyond her duties as a Foster Grandparent. She has volunteered the past two summers in their summer Full Day program. She also comes in on conference days to help the teachers organize and clean the classroom. The Robins classroom is grateful to have Grandma Pocan, and they would be lost without her.

Pocan is a role model for Foster Grandparents. She enjoys being with the Head Start children and helping them learn. She is always smiling and eager to help. She is definitely a positive influence for the children and a great reminder for the staff that there are still truly amazing people in this world.

With her love for and dedication to the Head Start program, Pocan puts a smile on the children’s and staff’s faces as well as true appreciation in their hearts for all she is and for all she does. The Robins School wishes that everyone could know what a wonderful person Grandma Pocan is or have someone to touch them in the same manner Pocan touches them each and every time she is with them.
