Dennis Schoening

Daily Point of Light # 3208 May 23, 2006

Daily Point of Light Award for
Older Americans Month – May 2006

Dennis Schoening is one of the winners of a special judging of the Daily Point of Light Award being honored this May during Older Americans Month. Recognizing the contributions of older Americans, these awards celebrate 50+ volunteers who are making a difference by giving of their time, talent and experience to meet the critical needs of their communities.

Missoula Manor Homes proudly nominates Dennis Schoening for the Missoula Aging Service Senior of the Year 2005. Dennis has served the needs of not only the Missoula Manor Homes community but also the greater Missoula community as an active volunteer and motivating leader.

For starters, Dennis has served with enthusiasm and heartfelt commitment as the Missoula Manor Resident Council President in both 2005 and 2004. Prior to that, he served as the 2003 Vice President. During his 2005 tenure he has contributed a great deal of time and effort in the formation of committees, group outing and activities that improve the daily lives of Missoula Manor residents. In addition, he has made sure annual activities have proceeded as planned. He can be found meeting with our Administrator Joyce Anderson before each and every Council meeting to review the agenda, And, he has made certain that residents have been honored for their contributions to the Manor. His commitment to his position affects the lives of residents both now and in years to come.

Each year the manor’s greatest fundraising event is the Annual Endowment Fund Raffle. As Resident Council President, Dennis greatly assisted in coordinating this year’s event. It should be noted that this year’s raffle raised twice as much money as any prior Endowment Raffle. This was due in no small part to Dennis’ efforts in motivating residents to get out and sell to family, friends and even strangers. His gregarious marketing skills and heartfelt devotion to the place he now calls home also earned him a place as one of our top raffle ticket sellers this year.

Another wonderful event put on each year by Missoula Manor is the Annual Friends and Family Potluck Picnic. This is a time for Missoula Manor residents and their friends and family to take a moment to enjoy summer at the Manor. Ever since Dennis moved into the Manor four years ago, he has spent much of the Annual Picnic criss-crossing the lawn selling 50/50 tickets. There is no denying that many of the smiles that day are because of the friendly banter and jokes Dennis shared along the way.

For three years now, Dennis has faithfully called bingo number after bingo number during the weekly bingo games at Missoula Manor. Before each game he arrives early in order to see which players have arrived. If he notices any of the regulars missing, he makes sure each missing player is contacted before the games begin. As an added bonus, he provides Missoula Manor “Public Service Announcements” in between rounds by notifying players of upcoming events and activities, often with a dash of his own flavor of humor.

In 2004, Dennis was enthusiastic about the benefits of the Medicare approved drug discount cards. Julie Galsted, AIMS (Associates in Medicare Savings) program manager, was searching without success for a senior to be interviewed and videotaped in a short informational segment for ABC news to spread information about these drug discount cards to eligible seniors throughout the area. Dennis agreed to be interviewed and was videotaped purchasing his medications with the drug discount card. By stepping forward he helped countless seniors realize how easy it would be to use the new cards.

Most of all we nominate Dennis because when we hear his booming, resonating voice and delightful chuckle filtering down the halls of Missoula Manor, we know that it will followed by the joyful laughter of fellow residents. Our residents’ lives are all the better because Dennis helps them feel more connected, more involved in their community, their home that is Missoula Manor. It is people like Dennis, who give of both their time and skill, which makes this world a truly better place to live.
