Danica Dickinson

Daily Point of Light # 3271 Aug 18, 2006

Danica Dickinson is a 12th grader at Oviedo High School and an active youth in her community. She has been engaged in ongoing volunteer service for the past four years and has used her experience to talk to others and suggest they begin to serve the community also.

She has served as a reading mentor since 9th grade. She gives of her time to strengthen the Teen Trendsetter Program. Each year while mentoring, Danica recruits 20 teen reading mentors to assist at Stenstrom Elementary School. As a result of her efforts, 60 third graders have transitioned from struggling readers to eager readers. Danica’s dedication will affect these children for the rest of their lives. They have gained more self-confidence and are not afraid to read aloud. Some even choose to read in their free time as opposed to playing or being involved in other activities.

Before the Teen Trendsetter Program, these selected third grade students were at risk of grade retention but with the assistance of Danica and her teams, the students moved onto fourth grade. In addition to recruiting other volunteers, Danica assists in training the other reading mentors and provides them with the necessary tools to serve the children. She also monitors the program to ensure they are meeting their program goals. Danica has served 95 hours to date as a school volunteer/Teen Trendsetter.

Each summer Danica also serves on mission teams with her church group and volunteers in Central America. These experiences enrich her life while allowing her to enrich the lives of others. Because of her efforts, Danica was selected as a Walt Disney Dreamer and Doer in the 8th grade that excels in the areas of curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy. Danica Dickinson is an exemplary role model for the third grade students she mentors, her fellow teen reading mentors as well as the adults she travels with on mission trips to other countries.
