Alicia Lewis

Daily Point of Light # 3410 Feb 28, 2007

Women under the age of 25 are three times more likely to become victims of sexual assault than any other age group. A victim of sexual assault at age 9, Alicia Lewis knows first-hand what they face. Her program, “Educate To Eliminate,” uses a 4-part key to reach and teach every age level. The key points of the program are responsibility—developing common sense approach to making safe decisions about one’s surroundings; education—suppling information to promote self-education and empowerment; awareness—exposing those to the firsthand stories of survivors; and defense—mental and educational empowerment through physical achievement.

At Auburn University, Alicia spearheaded campaigns to raise money for organizations such as RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network) and STAR (Standing Together Against Rape); Alpha Phi Alpha Education Drive for Sexual Assault Prevention Week at Auburn; guest speaker at the Delta Sigma Theta Crème de la Crème Contestants Workshop; Selma Crime Prevention Week Parade Guest Speaker; chaired the Take the Pledge Campaign fundraiser and has been a Safe Harbor volunteer/counselor. Her travels have taken her to meet with children from elementary to high school, from Montgomery to Mobile, Alabama, logging more than 600 hours of Community Service!

Through her community service efforts, Alicia brought attention to the crime of rape on College campuses. Underreported among all age groups, many of these young women either refuse to report the crime or are harassed by their perpetrators until they quit school. Those that do choose to report the crime and bring charges are faced with endless hours of testimony only to see the defendant go free. When Alicia’s campaign brought light to this issue more emphasis was placed on the reporting of the crime and not the continual victimization of the accuser.

Alicia’s focus is not just on the children and their parents. She also finds time to visit with the Veterans at the local Veteran’s Hospital in Montgomery, AL and let them know that their service to the country is of value, has judged several high school pageants and served a hostess for other fundraisers, further delivering her message of education on Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness.
