Agnes Lynch
In an effort to alleviate the struggles of families burdened with job loss, reduced hours, and tight financial situations, Agnes Lynch founded, oversees and continues to develop the Braintree Community Food Pantry.
As someone who has struggled through difficult economic times of her own life, Agnes can identify with those who continue to struggle to provide for their families. For the past 17 years, Agnes has overseen the food pantry and in one month’s time, is able to meet the needs of 150 individuals who are struggling. The pantry provides not only food, but gifts during the holiday season. She is determined to help those struggling to meet the needs of their families not only by providing them with food and basic needs, but also by offering them encouragement through their times of struggle.
Agnes is dedicated to helping those in her community overcome hard economic times as she and other community members have done in the past. Her faith and enthusiasm has motivated other community members to rally around her to help meet the goals of the Braintree Community Food Pantry. This is why Agnes is a Daily Point of Light.